온라인 공식스토어 오프라인 공식 판매처 서비스센터

Quality Policy


The name INGLESINA. Inside this word are all the elements, which we can call the founding values of the brand. Elegance, refinement, class, but also gentleness. Over the years, the values that were characteristic of the founder, his wife and his staff have been layered and have enriched its meaning. Love for others that translates into attention to the customer understood as child, parent, dealer. Love for things done right, that is, products that are cared for, hence our slogan “There’s a story inside,” which encapsulates all our commitment, for more than 50 years, to offer new parents products that ensure comfort and safety for their little ones. Indeed, at the heart of every process-from the most articulate to the simplest-is the well-being of the child, at whose service all our products are designed. It is a way of conceiving the product that distinguishes our approach to the analysis of needs, the study of technical problems, and the research and design of solutions to make objects at once simple, functional, safe, welcoming and elegant, and environmentally oriented.

Inglesina also strives for

  • The respect and protection of the natural environment in terms of pollution prevention;
  • the sustainable use of natural resources;
  • the containment of waste produced during work activities;
  • compliance with all legislative obligations related to environmental issues;
  • compliance with environmental aspects agreed with clients or possibly established as company standards.

Targets to be achieved in numerical terms are set from time to time in the system review document.

The Mission

A newborn baby. Life beginning. The first journey home, the first walks, the first incredible achievements. Accompanying these moments is the highest sense of the work of Inglesina, which for more than 50 years has been committed every day to the creation of products and solutions to ensure the best well-being of children during their journey to discover the world.

Our Production Philosophy

We respect the surrounding environment and promote the quality of life in compliance with current legislation in terms of both products and services provided, the environment, health and safety in the workplace, and respect for ethical principles and values. We want to achieve the highest levels of quality appreciated by the customer and end user in terms of both the product and services. To that end.

  • We strive to be a responsive, dynamic, responsible and professional company, serving our customers with the aim of satisfying what is required of us.
  • We are willing to take in new ideas and approaches and declare ourselves ready to spread them.
  • We strive to spread a culture within ourselves to foster and implement continuous improvement of our organizational system with input from all stakeholders

Our organizational system embraces the “plan-do-check-act” (PDCA) philosophy inspired by the application and certification of the organizational model based on the ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 standards, the methodologies proper to “risk management” and the “risk based thinking” philosophy proper to the ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 standards.

Inglesina Vision

Taking into account the context in which the Company operates, consolidate the Brand’s position as a leader in the high end of the market for early childhood products through continuous improvement of all processes related to design, manufacturing, sales, marketing and service and respect for the surrounding environment.To impart a strong drive and focus on innovation in collaboration with doctors and experts to design cutting-edge solutions in compliance with the latest scientific guidelines in terms of well-being, newborn safety and respect for the environment in terms of materials used, life cycle. To implement sales and distribution policies towards the richest countries of EU Europe, the United States, Eastern European territories, Russia and the emerging “Far East” countries (Korea, Japan, …). To consolidate in the end customer and other stakeholders (collaborators, suppliers, entities and institutions) the certainty of “Made in Italy” and the image of a company committed to respecting and protecting the surrounding environment and making conscious use of natural resources.


Convinced that people are INGLESINA’s most valuable resource, we have developed a number of principles, inspired by the values that support our corporate mission:


The commitment made to customers and end users and other interested parties is reflected in the development of personnel and the fulfillment of company goals. INGLESINA is committed to developing values capable of involving all personnel, to spreading a culture that unites the entire company while respecting the different professional skills. For this reason, INGLESINA is a place where those who work have a certain poise, must take care to keep the environments clean and tidy and bring respect for the work of others: they are autonomous, responsible and goal-oriented. Where the importance of teamwork is truly recognized. Where the utmost attention is paid to quality, respect for the environment, health and safety in the workplace, ethical principles and the needs of our customers.


The spread of common values is fostered by the principles of fairness adopted toward staff and the exchange of ideas. We foster communication at all levels of the company and the involvement of staff in the decisions to be made; we also encourage the sharing of medium- to long-term plans; we believe it helps everyone to have a perspective, a motion in place.


The development of multiple individual talents is the basis for the growth of our potential. We promote constant training and assign well-defined responsibilities to each person to make work more stimulating, develop a high level of responsibility and self-control in order to foster motivation, involvement of all employees and promote loyalty to company values.

Creativity and innovation

Creativity and innovation are the norm in the dynamic environment in which we work. We work to ensure that staff are stimulated to constantly improve and are not afraid to make mistakes, so that the prerequisites for creativity and the conditions for innovation are increasingly spread throughout our organization.


Openness to change distinguishes our mission and operations. We respond promptly to the needs of our customers and other stakeholders and to changes in the market without being constrained by tradition.


Integration between our organization and our suppliers, especially partners of the so-called “commercialized” ones, in order to prevent inefficiencies – continuous supply-chain improvement – Outsourcing production management.

This Quality Policy is disseminated in every sector and at all decision-making and operational levels and made available to stakeholders. Periodically, at Quality Management System reviews, this Policy is reviewed, together with the company’s objectives, and revised as necessary. This document is subject to electronic validity check by the RAQ and is contained in the Quality Manual at sect. B Rev. 11 dated 11/03/2022.