온라인 공식스토어 오프라인 공식 판매처 서비스센터

Legal Info and Terms of Use for the Site

Company Details

  • Company name: L’INGLESINA BABY S.P.A.
  • Registered Office: Altavilla Vicentina (VI), Via Lago Maggiore no. 22/26
  • Tax code and VAT no.: 02090610243
  • Registrar of Companies Office: Vicenza
  • R.E.A.: 205616
  • Share capital: 5,200,000.00 euros, fully paid up
  • PEC (Italian Certified Email Service): [email protected]

Scope of application

This website inglesina.it (hereinafter the “Site”) is maintained by L’Inglesina Baby S.p.A. All those who access the Site and use its contents are obliged to comply with the terms of use (hereinafter “TUS”) described below. Accessing and browsing the Site constitutes acceptance by the user without reservation of the following. L’Inglesina Baby S.p.A. may modify or update these TUS at any time. Such changes and updates shall be made known through their publication on the Site and shall be deemed accepted without reservation by all users accessing the Site after their publication. All users of the Site are invited to carefully read these TUS, the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy before browsing the Site.

Notices on copyright and Intellectual Property Rights

L’Inglesina Baby S.p.A. is the owner of the Site domain. The entire content of this Site and its individual elements (such as texts, layouts, photographs, videos, drawings, graphic representations, logos, distinctive signs, brochures, etc.) constitute intellectual property protected by copyright law (Law 633/1941 et seq.), by the Industrial Property Code (Decree-Law 30/2005 et seq.) and by other applicable national and international regulations. The Site and its elements are the exclusive property of L’Inglesina Baby S.p.A., which is the only authorised to exercise all the relative industrial and intellectual property rights over logos, trademarks, distinctive signs, product names, image rights, etc. In the absence of express written consent from L’Inglesina Baby S.p.A., any use, reproduction, transfer, modification or publication of this Site and/or its contents, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, is prohibited. L’Inglesina Baby S.p.A. authorises to view, copy, download and print the documents available on the Site, provided they are used exclusively for personal and private use and provided these documents are not modified in any way. This authorisation does not extend to documents and/or materials owned by other content providers that may be referred to on the Site.


L’Inglesina Baby S.p.A. does its best to ensure the accuracy and updating of the contents published on the Site, which it reserves the right to correct or update at any time. However, L’Inglesina Baby S.p.A. assumes no responsibility towards users for the accuracy and completeness of the contents published on the Site, except for its own liability for fraud and gross negligence and except as otherwise provided for by law. L’Inglesina Baby S.p.A., furthermore, cannot guarantee its users that the Site will operate continuously, without interruptions and in the absence of errors or malfunctions due to the Internet connection. L’Inglesina Baby S.p.A. has adopted suitable technical and organisational measures to safeguard the security of personal data collected on the Site, in order to avoid risks of loss or disclosure of the same.

Links to other sites

The Site may contain hypertext links (the ‘links’) to other websites, owned by third parties, which are governed by their own conditions of use and personal data processing policies, which the user is required to check. L’Inglesina Baby S.p.A. is not responsible for the contents of third party websites.

Applicable law

These TUS are governed by Italian law.